Tour 3; Number two for me

This past Monday my Idaho City business (BoCo Sluice Box) was the “host” for the kick off of the third in the Idaho City Chamber Fall Tour Series. The day started out miserable, not raining (or snowing) anymore but chilly and overcast. I had announced…

Last hurrah before summer

San Diego is a favorite destination for us and as we observe each time we visit, people are happy, life moves calmly along, the scenery is beautiful and as one of our Uber drivers stated, “Why not, we live in perpetual springtime.” True dat my friend. …

Wolfpack Territory and the Sluice

Our trip to Reno was fairly uneventful, a little bit of business on both ends sprinkled with a little time with friends and visiting old haunts stuck in the middle, made up the days. We had a good time as we typically do in the…

9 Days Down (and now it’s 10)

Arriving home late Tuesday last week found things on our piece of the mountain (Centerville, Idaho) in great shape both on the homestead and, as we found with further inspection later in the week, also at our commercial locations in Idaho City. As mentioned in…

Worthwhile Info–Body Image

My side note of value to the 9 Days Down post is weight gain/diet. Oh, it could be so much worse after 90 days traveling, I thought it was going to be, but 7lbs have to go to return to my comfort zone. (If anyone…

The Unforgettable Baseball Clip

This is a video via my phone of the showing of this game. If you have an account go check out the Sunday game, 4/23/2017 in the top of the 5th inning. In any case, make sure the volume on your device is up as high…

Time for some biz

Arriving in Denver via the I-25 late Wednesday we chose a nondescript hotel adjacent to downtown for ease of access to the meetings on the agenda. These meetings are with the same restaurant group as took us on our travels to Nashville late 2016. We are hoping for good new…

Back end Bangkok

As we lift off over the outskirts of Bangkok, from Suvarnabhumi (meaning Golden Land), I feel satisfied yet saddened. We have had a good holiday here in Southeast Asia. We enjoyed the people, the sights, the food and the culture and are comfortable here. With immense gratitude we…

Keeper Karon

Karon is the ultimate in r&r, beach side. It is on the island of Phuket, Thailand. Our hotel, Baan Karonburi, is situated along with many other resorts across the road from the beauty of Karon Beach with white sand beaches and the shimmering waters of the Andaman Sea. This resort lended…