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Yesterday’s News (and maybe a little of today’s too)

The view from the deck on our arrival home after the Fall 2016 road trip.

To kick off New Year’s 2017, we stayed in our home in the mountains. Unless you count an afternoon trip with one daughter and two grandsons to the BSU basketball game against Colorado State. We had dinner with said boys and their parents after. At any rate, we were home when the ball dropped.

On New Year’s Day, the snow fell lightly, football was on the TV, a small amount of laundry and organizing was accomplished, we ate well and Dean booked the beginning of the international leg of the snow bird season.

We will spend the Super Bowl (February 5) weekend in Las Vegas, those details are still being worked on.  We will travel on to LA via McCarran airport (again these details are still coming clear) and fly out to Bangkok, Thailand via China Air at 2:30PM on Friday February 10.

We will arrive in Bangkok on Friday night/Saturday morning, February 11 at 2AM (hotel tba). We will catch our breath (haha 😉 in the city and get acclimated to our new time schedule and celebrate Valentine’s Day on the river perhaps. Then on Wednesday February 15, we will travel from our hotel via the BTS Sky train (a great source of travel in the city, check it out here) to the airport and grab a taxi from the airport to our hotel, LK, The Empress on Beach Road in Pattaya (last year we spent island time in Phuket). Party or chill (that might not work in this countries humidity), time will tell! We are booked at The Empress until the 21st, will we like it so much we want to stay more or will we move on? Check it out here so you can be thinking about it too!  You can be sure that part of the time will be spent in Chiang Mai. I am going to start here  with my rediscovering what I want to see while I am there. We fly out of Bangkok on March 28 at 11:15AM and arrive back in LA the same afternoon (20 hours or so later; international date line messes with me every time I try to think it through) at 2:10PM.

We will then get settled back in the good ole’ USA while we make our way to Phoenix…Saturday April 1st is the Final Four (no foolin’, we’re going).  Sunday is the kickoff of the baseball season with the Diamondbacks playing the Giants.  We’ll take that in also, although it is one of the stadiums we have been to already (and we will make it to all the missing stadiums at some point in these travels, so don’t miss out, ride along!). Monday is the NCAA championship game. Bucket list checkmarks all the way. (I hate that name, yet it’s a good one though, cuz I got a bucket full of I wanna do that’s!)

From there…we will work our way to meeting the kids for their Christmas present, the “we sold the condo, it was the best investment of our lifetime” (so far), vacation together. We are hoping it becomes a tradition. Where? Exactly when? Not sure, but it will all happen before May! Gotta open my little Sluice on Mother’s Day Weekend, May 12-14.

Should be a mighty fine start to 2017. Come along for the ride!

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