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UGH! I’m failing…

I have been attempting to be certain I know how to put in hyperlinks so that you can learn more than I can keep in my head about the places we plan to go and the ones we just happen to end up in…as you can see from what I thought were going to be hyperlinks in the previous posts…I am failing! But alas, I have found it here, I did it at some point in one of the very first posts I practice wrote…now I just have to retain it. Darn old age! Working on some updates and then I am going to launch!

Well I thought I had it…the words here and age in the previous sentences should be your links…when I publish the blue word links are lost 🙁 If anyone has ever used word press and has input for this new blogger PLEASE HELP!!

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One thought on “UGH! I’m failing…

  1. Okay folks so in reviewing everything to the best of my ability I cannot figure out how to highlight these links I am providing but the bottom line is they DO exist. On your mobile device you will see them as highlighted in blue. On a desktop or laptop they simply are not highlighted. There are obvious spots where a word “here” or something similar is your key but in general as you are reading if you use your cursor to guide you the links will pop out at you as you hover and there really is some interesting, worthwhile info along the way!

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