Malay Afterthoughts

A couple more things to document/tell you! In our hotel, Invito Suites, there was no floor number 4 but there was 13 and 13A, as a matter of fact we were in room 13A09. Avtar, our concierge explained it was a Chinese superstition. Check out the link…

Nice to meet you, Malaysia!

We landed safely (even survived the fumigation šŸ˜‰ as the sun was setting across the tarmac in Kuala Lumpur. We lost an hour in this flight. We were now in a new time zone. As our descent brought land into our sight lines, I was amazed…

Me oh my, how time does fly!

Seems only a couple days have passed since arriving in the north, but here it came, moving day again. As I told you in an earlier post, we had decided not to book the entire time at one hotel. We wanted to leave the second…

Sensory Overload

After a few hours nap, the day we woke up was Sunday, the 12th. It was nearly noon in our new time zone,Ā UTCĀ +7 hours and we were in need of some nourishment. We enjoyed a slow waking with our in room Nescafe. TheĀ Ambassador Hotel BangkokĀ is…

Feels like home

Pulling in to theĀ Las Vegas valley, I must admit still feels like we are arriving home. It’s been since 2001 that we lived here but the place just feels like a worn out old robe you wrap around yourself for comfort, at least for me….

On naming this blog…and a bit more on arriving in Thailand

Somewhere in this search for how to express myself I laughed at the idea of naming my writingsĀ The Scorpionā€™s Taleā€¦I even started these writings in the notes on my phone and in a leather bound notebook before breathing in deeply and deciding to launch this…

Yesterday’s News (and maybe a little of today’s too)

To kick off New Year’s 2017, we stayed in our home in the mountains. Unless you count an afternoon trip with one daughter and two grandsons to the BSU basketball game against Colorado State. We had dinner with said boys and their parents after. At any rate, we were…