Feels like home

Pulling in to the Las Vegas valley, I must admit still feels like we are arriving home. It’s been since 2001 that we lived here but the place just feels like a worn out old robe you wrap around yourself for comfort, at least for me….

What you don’t know

The first 6 nights of Chiang Mai are booked! Duangtawan Hotel. I highly doubt that we will book the other 8 days until we are there and scout out the north in more detail than last year. This should be a fun location in the…

Research and Writing Practice (and some packing too)

This week I am working on reading my textbook for My Travel Writing Program from Great Escape Publishing. I somehow came across it last year on our return from Puerto Vallarta and decided to purchase it and give it a whirl this travel season. Now I…

Struggles and Plans

Today finds the threat of another storm looming just a few hours away…another foot of the “winter white stuff” is our forecast. We will need to find places to store it all! Please keep the safety of our old business buildings in your thoughts as…

January is going to drag on!

Last week wound down with bitter cold temps and snow and flooding from Reno to Boise and on up this mountain. The kids and grandkids arrived for a visit. Momma and Dadda were here for Friday night and then some of Saturday but decided to brave the…

UGH! I’m failing…

I have been attempting to be certain I know how to put in hyperlinks so that you can learn more than I can keep in my head about the places we plan to go and the ones we just happen to end up in…as you can…

This is a test

As we get caught up at home, watch the snow fall outside and prepare to leave, I am testing the waters of the blogging possibilities on the road. It will be dependent on smart phone and public wifi. Please bear with me as I practice, don’t…

Yesterday’s News (and maybe a little of today’s too)

To kick off New Year’s 2017, we stayed in our home in the mountains. Unless you count an afternoon trip with one daughter and two grandsons to the BSU basketball game against Colorado State. We had dinner with said boys and their parents after. At any rate, we were…

Hello world!

Here we go!!! The Inquisitive Scorpion’s tale is getting ready to hit the net!

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